Home Maharashtra Gyanti Devi

Gyanti Devi

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Gyanti Devi missing from Mumbai Maharashtra

A distressing incident has occurred in the bustling city of Mumbai, Maharashtra, as a 60-year-old woman named Gyanti Devi has gone missing. Since the unfortunate disappearance on the 17th of July 2023, her worried family and friends have been tirelessly searching for any information that could lead to her safe return.

Gyanti Devi, known to be not mentally sound, was last seen in the IIT market area of Powai, Mumbai. It is believed that she was wearing an unidentified outfit and had a distinctive pink stall with her at the time. What adds to the urgency of the situation is the fact that Gyanti Devi is missing her front teeth, making her easily identifiable.

The family has been devastated by her sudden disappearance and is desperate for any leads or information that could help locate her. They have reached out to the public, urging anyone with knowledge of her whereabouts to come forward and contact them at 9198206761.

The community has also rallied together, spreading the word through social media platforms, local news outlets, and community centers. Flyers with Gyanti Devi’s picture and description have been distributed throughout the city, hoping to reach as many people as possible.

The police have been informed about the missing person case and are actively involved in the search efforts. They have expanded their investigation and are conducting thorough inquiries in the area where Gyanti Devi was last seen. They are also coordinating with other law enforcement agencies to maximize the chances of finding her.

In times like these, it is crucial for the community to come together, support one another, and keep a vigilant eye out for any signs of Gyanti Devi. Every piece of information, no matter how insignificant it may seem, could be the key to reuniting her with her loved ones.

As the search continues, the family remains hopeful that Gyanti Devi will be found safe and sound. Their plea to the public remains strong: if anyone has any information regarding her whereabouts, please contact them at 9198206761. Let us all join hands and do our part in helping bring Gyanti Devi back home.

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