Saroja, a 1-year-old girl, has been missing from the city of Delhi, in the state of Uttar Pradesh, since 03/01/1980. She was last seen with her mother, Aarti Devi, and her sister, Phoolwardi, who is 5 years old. The family was at LHMC Delhi in 1981 when Saroja was taken without their consent.
The family is devastated by the disappearance of their youngest member and is desperately seeking any information that could lead to her safe return. If anyone has seen Saroja or has any information about her whereabouts, please contact the relatives at 9600104870.
The family is holding onto hope that Saroja is safe and will be reunited with them soon. They are pleading with the public to come forward with any information that could help bring their little girl back home.
Saroja’s mother, Aarti Devi, is heartbroken and is doing everything she can to find her daughter. Phoolwardi, Saroja’s older sister, is also missing her little sibling and is hoping for her safe return.
The family is urging anyone who may have seen Saroja or knows anything about her disappearance to contact them immediately. Any small piece of information could be the key to bringing Saroja back to her family where she belongs.