Jitin Gupta, a 51-year-old man from Agra, Uttar Pradesh, has been missing since 09/07/2024. Standing at a height of 5.10, he was last seen at Kailash Temple in Sikandar, Agra. His family and friends are deeply concerned about his whereabouts and are seeking any information that could help locate him.
Jitin Gupta’s disappearance has left his loved ones in a state of distress and uncertainty. They are urging anyone who may have seen him or have any information about his whereabouts to come forward and contact them at 9953031212. The authorities have been notified about his disappearance, but any additional information from the public could be crucial in finding him.
The community in Agra is coming together to spread the word about Jitin Gupta’s disappearance, hoping that someone may have seen him or have information that could lead to his safe return. As the days pass without any news of his whereabouts, the concern for his well-being only grows stronger.
Jitin Gupta’s family is holding onto hope that he will be found safe and sound, but they are also preparing for the worst. They are asking for the public’s help in bringing him back home and are grateful for any assistance that can be provided in this difficult time.
If you have any information about Jitin Gupta’s whereabouts, please do not hesitate to reach out to his family at the provided contact number. Your help could make all the difference in bringing him back to his loved ones.