Bhanu Virmani, a 24-year-old special child, has been reported missing from the city of Hapur in the state of Uttar Pradesh since 20/08/2024. Bhanu is known to be able to identify himself, his family members, and possibly the city he belongs to, which is Meerut.
His family is deeply concerned about his disappearance and is urging anyone with information to come forward. Bhanu’s relatives can be contacted at 7500005665.
The disappearance of a loved one is a harrowing experience for any family, but it is especially difficult when the missing person is a special child like Bhanu. His family is desperately searching for any clues or leads that could help bring him back home safely.
If you have any information about Bhanu’s whereabouts or have seen him since his disappearance, please do not hesitate to reach out to his relatives. Every piece of information, no matter how small, could be crucial in helping to locate Bhanu and reunite him with his family.
Let’s come together as a community to support Bhanu’s family during this difficult time and help bring him back home where he belongs. Your assistance could make all the difference in ensuring Bhanu’s safe return.