Abhishek Sharma, a 19-year-old boy from Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, has been missing since 3rd January 2025. His family is in distress as they have not heard from him since that night when he left home. The police have been contacted, but so far, they have not been able to provide any leads.
Abhishek’s family is extremely worried about his well-being and safety. They are urging anyone with information about his whereabouts to come forward and help bring him back home. The family has been trying to reach Abhishek on his phone, but it has been switched off since he went missing. This has made it extremely difficult for them to track his location.
It has been a long time since Abhishek disappeared, and his family is desperate for any information that could lead to his safe return. They are pleading with the public to come forward if they have seen Abhishek or have any information about his whereabouts.
If you have any information about Abhishek Sharma or have seen him since 3rd January 2025, please contact his relatives at 9506895119. Your help could make a significant difference in reuniting Abhishek with his family. Let’s come together and help bring him back home safely.