Achuthan Pillai, a 78-year-old man from Nagercoil, Tamil Nadu, has been missing since 27th January 2025. He was last seen wearing a saffron dhoti, a white half-sleeved shirt, and carrying a small black tote bag. Achuthan Pillai is described as having a fair complexion and a healthy mind.
His family is deeply concerned about his whereabouts and is seeking the public’s help in locating him. If anyone has seen Achuthan Pillai or has any information about his disappearance, please contact his son, Balaji A R, at 8939228707.
Losing a family member is a distressing experience, and the uncertainty of not knowing their whereabouts only adds to the anxiety. The family of Achuthan Pillai is appealing to the community to come forward with any information that may help in finding him.
It is important to remember that every piece of information, no matter how small it may seem, could be crucial in locating a missing person. Your assistance could make a significant difference in reuniting Achuthan Pillai with his loved ones.
If you have any information about Achuthan Pillai’s whereabouts or have seen someone matching his description, please do not hesitate to contact his family at 8939228707. Your help in this matter is greatly appreciated.