He is Moizuddin Qidwai, Aged 65 years is missing from Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh from 30th of March 2020. If you have any information about him, Please contact on 8709555292 or 9336029312.
He is Moizuddin Qidwai, Aged 65 years is missing from Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh from 30th of March 2020. If you have any information about him, Please contact on 8709555292 or 9336029312.
He is SHIVDHARI PRASAD , Aged 75 years is missing from KARAUNDI KALAN, SULTANPUR, UTTAR PRADESH Since 22nd of September 2019. He left is home to visit someone in kshumadpur but never came back. He has fair complexion and a mole on left side of his face if you have any information about him, Please contact at 9451097811 9454404341,8445472279,05364-266252,8840745714
He is Shivansh Mishra s/o Mohit Mishra and he is missing from Akash Colony Bareilly , Uttar Pradesh since 5th of feburary 2020. His father is trying really hard to find him since that day. If you have any information about him, Please contact his father at 9690944185 or 9837753128.
She is Richa Prajapati, Aged 4 years, is missing from Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh for last 3 years. She went missing while travelling from Gorakhpur to Mumbai by train. She has wheatish complexion. if you have any information about her, Please call at 9670739849 or 9892024037
Ram Narayan Prasad, Aged 75 years is missing from Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh since 8th of November 2019. He is 5 feet 5 inch tall and have wheatish complexion. He was travelling by Jaipur Lucknow express but never reached his destination. He went missing between lucknow and kasganj. He was wearing a full sleev kurta along with white Dhoti. He was …
Mohammad Yasir, Aged 15 years is missing from Azamgarh, Uttar Pradesh since 8th of November 2019. He left his home 9AM for some personal work but never came back. If you have any information about him, Please call at 7275039439 or 9919511212.
Krishna and Shiva aged 15 years and 11 years respectively are missing from gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh since last week. They probably went to Delhi on their own. If you have any information about them, Please contact at 9454403507.
Ranu Singh is missing from lakhimpuri Kheri, Uttar Pradesh few last few months. if you have information about him, Please contact at 7007187838.
KRISHNA ( ALIAS BALAL) Aged 40 years is missing from BALLIA , UTTAR PRADESH since 17th of October 2019. He is missing from VILLAGE SUJAIYT, PS: CHITBADAGAON DIST BALLIA , UTTAR PRADESH. He is mentally not sound and was wearing Lungi and white shirt when he went missing. If you have any information about him, Please contact at 6392778060 or …
Ramesh singh aged 64 years is missing from Ghaziabaad Uttar Pradesh, Since 19th of October 2019. He is Dementia patient. He prefer to stay alone. He can speak Hindi and bhojpuri. If you have any information about him, Please contact at 9968238518 Some more photos:-