Vishwanath Shukla aged 45 years is missing from Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh since 8th of October 2019. He is 5 feet 6 inch tall and have wheatish complexion. If you have any information about him, Please contact at 9953883536 or 7237019775
Vishwanath Shukla aged 45 years is missing from Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh since 8th of October 2019. He is 5 feet 6 inch tall and have wheatish complexion. If you have any information about him, Please contact at 9953883536 or 7237019775
Mahi Rastogi D/o Parag rastogi, Aged 14 Years, is missing from Siyana District Bulandshahar, Uttar Pradesh since 7th of October 2019. She is 4 feet 6 inch tall, wheatish complexion and good health. She was wearning jeans and tops when she went missing. If you any information about her, Please contact at 9811023823, 9727217588. Some more Photos.
Jaspreet Kaur D/o Manvir Singh, Aged 15 Years, is missing from Siyana District Bulandshahar, Uttar Pradesh since 7th of October 2019. She is slim and have fair complexion. If you have any information about her, Please contact at 9811023823, 9727217588. Some More Photos:-
Mohammed Jalal Uddin S/o Asik Ali is missing from Kalaburagi Karnataka since 5th of October 2019. He was last seen playing near his house. If you have any information about him, Please contact at 9902034980 or 9242285786
She is Sunaina Madnawat , Aged 28 Years. She is missing from greater noida, since 16th of September 2019. Sunaina is suffering from Mental Illness and getting treatment for Aboulomania which is a Mental Disorder. Sunaina is not found since 16 September 2019 from SHANTI HOME (Hospital) which is Gate No.5, Pocket G, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh 201308. If you …
He is Suresh chand, Missing from Ghaziabad UP since 22nd of August 2019. He is Mentally unstable and was wearing yellow TShirt and capri when he went missing. If you have any information about him, Please contact as 8178051237, 9810180975
He is Ankit Kumar missing from Muzaffarnagar since 11th Of May 2019. His friends and family is really concerned about his safety. If you have any information about him, Please contact at 9759109088.
He is Sudhama aged 14 years is missing from Sikandrabaad, District Bulandshahr since 12th of April 2019. He is 5′ tall and have speaking difficulties. He also have his name and his father’s mobile number on his right arm. If you have any information or you have seen him somewhere, Please contact his father at 9871006406
His name is Gopal Bajaj S/o HariShankar Bajah missing from Kanpur since 16th of feb 2019. He is 5’5″ tall, have a black spot behind is neck. He cant speak as well. His brother has been looking for him since he is missing. If you have any information, Please contact at 8052438787 or 7275167247.