This person Afreen is missing from Moradabad since 10/06/2020
This person Rakesh Gupta (Pappu) is missing from Bilgram since 05/06/2020
This person Sunny Rawat is missing from KANPUR (UP) since 16/03/2020
This person Sanjay singh yadav is missing from Lucknow since 08/06/2015
Vaibhav Patel (Om)
She is Priya Sawhney, aged 36 years and missing from Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh on 29 February 2020. She was wearing red salwar kameej with red sweater. If you have any information about her, Please contact on 9167889109.
He is Vijay Pal Singh, Aged 94 years is missing from Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh on 14th of May 2017. He is 5’7″ was wearing Light yellow colored kurta with white dhoti and black shoes. If you have any information about him, Please contact on 9810110184 or 9910110184.
He is Moizuddin Qidwai, Aged 65 years is missing from Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh from 30th of March 2020. If you have any information about him, Please contact on 8709555292 or 9336029312.
He is SHIVDHARI PRASAD , Aged 75 years is missing from KARAUNDI KALAN, SULTANPUR, UTTAR PRADESH Since 22nd of September 2019. He left is home to visit someone in kshumadpur but never came back. He has fair complexion and a mole on left side of his face if you have any information about him, Please contact at 9451097811 9454404341,8445472279,05364-266252,8840745714
He is Shivansh Mishra s/o Mohit Mishra and he is missing from Akash Colony Bareilly , Uttar Pradesh since 5th of feburary 2020. His father is trying really hard to find him since that day. If you have any information about him, Please contact his father at 9690944185 or 9837753128.