Ravi Bhojwani, a 43-year-old man from Bhubaneshwar, Odisha, has been reported missing since the 5th of January, 2025. He was last seen at the Bhubaneshwar Railway Station around 11:30 PM on the same day. Since then, his family and friends have been unable to contact him, and they are growing increasingly worried about his well-being.
Ravi is described as being 5 feet 8 inches tall, with a medium build and black hair. He was last seen wearing a blue shirt and black trousers. He is known to be a kind and friendly person, and his sudden disappearance has left his loved ones in a state of shock.
If anyone has any information about Ravi’s whereabouts or has seen him since the 5th of January, please contact his relatives at 9425215027. Any piece of information, no matter how small, could be crucial in helping to locate him and bring him back to his family.
The police have also been informed about Ravi’s disappearance, and they are actively searching for him. However, the more eyes and ears that are on the lookout for him, the better the chances of finding him safe and sound.
Ravi’s family is urging anyone who may have seen him or knows anything about his whereabouts to come forward and help bring him back home. The uncertainty and worry surrounding his disappearance are taking a toll on his loved ones, and they are desperate for any news about his whereabouts.