Promad Singh, a 40-year-old man, has been missing from New Delhi since 06/07/2024. He was last seen wearing a blue check shirt and half pants, with short hair and a scar on his left eye. Standing at 5 feet 2 inches tall, his family and friends are deeply concerned about his whereabouts.
Promad Singh’s disappearance has left his loved ones in a state of distress and worry. They are urging anyone with information about his whereabouts to come forward and contact them immediately at 9910125019. The police have been notified and are actively searching for him, but any additional information from the public could be crucial in locating him.
As the days pass without any sign of Promad Singh, his family is growing increasingly anxious and desperate for answers. They are pleading with the public to keep an eye out for him and to report any sightings or information that may help in finding him.
The community is coming together to support Promad Singh’s family during this difficult time, spreading the word about his disappearance and sharing his photo in the hopes that someone may have seen him. The more people who are aware of his situation, the greater the chances of finding him safe and sound.
If you have any information about Promad Singh or have seen him since his disappearance, please do not hesitate to reach out to his family. Your help could make all the difference in bringing him home.