Bhojraj Jagan Mehere, a 75-year-old man from Nagpur, Maharashtra, has been missing since 28/05/2024. He was last seen wearing a ‘bhakruji’ on his left hand. His family and friends are deeply concerned about his whereabouts and are seeking any information that could help locate him.
Bhojraj is described as a kind and gentle man, loved by many in his community. His sudden disappearance has left his loved ones in a state of distress and worry. They are urging anyone who may have seen him or have any information about his whereabouts to come forward and contact them at 9503452085.
The authorities have been alerted about Bhojraj’s disappearance, and a search operation is currently underway to locate him. His family is holding onto hope that he will be found safe and sound soon.
As days go by without any news of Bhojraj, his loved ones are growing increasingly anxious. They are appealing to the public for any assistance in finding him and bringing him back home.
If you have any information about Bhojraj Jagan Mehere’s whereabouts, please do not hesitate to contact his relatives at the provided phone number. Your help could make a significant difference in reuniting him with his family and ensuring his well-being.