Dil Bahadur BK, a 54-year-old man from Himachal Pradesh, India, has been missing since June 19, 2024. He was last seen in Manali, where he was on his way to Nepal. The last known sighting of him was captured on CCTV, but since then, his whereabouts remain unknown.
According to his family, Dil Bahadur BK was not feeling well at the time of his disappearance. They are deeply concerned about his well-being and are urging anyone with information to come forward. They are offering a reward for any information that may lead to his whereabouts.
It is a distressing time for Dil Bahadur BK’s loved ones, who are desperately searching for him. They are reaching out to the public for help in locating him and bringing him back home safely.
If you have any information about Dil Bahadur BK’s whereabouts or have seen him since June 19, 2024, please contact his relatives at 601128318373. Any information, no matter how small, could be crucial in finding him and reuniting him with his family.
Let us all come together to help find Dil Bahadur BK and bring him back to his loved ones. Your assistance could make all the difference in this troubling situation.