Bruno Muschalik, a 24-year-old man from Poland, has been missing from the city of Kasol in the state of Himachal Pradesh since August 9, 2015. He was last seen in the Parvati Valley in India, where he had been traveling during a three-week trip. Bruno, who stands at 186 cm tall with blue eyes and dark blond hair, had been in contact with his family regularly throughout his journey until the day he disappeared.
Despite his young age, Bruno had already accomplished a great deal, having recently defended his thesis at the University of Economics in Katowice and preparing to start a new job at an international company. His disappearance has left his family and friends devastated, as they desperately search for any information that could lead to his whereabouts.
If you have any information about Bruno Muschalik’s disappearance, please contact his family at or call +48512344967. Any piece of information, no matter how small, could be crucial in helping to bring Bruno home safely. The search for Bruno continues, and his loved ones remain hopeful that he will be found and reunited with his family soon.